General Safety Tips
SAFETY TIPS -- Readiness for hazards and emergency situations:
Going forward, it is our vision that the ODPEM continues to review and update its processes thereby building on achievements over the past 39 years. We are particularly interested in seeing the Agency take steps to further embrace a Comprehensive Disaster Management approach to Disaster Risk Reduction as well as to assume a more active role is driving to the country’s sustainable development goals, especially given the challenges of global climate change threats and related issues.
- Ensure that your household is aware of your family emergency plan.
- Ensure that you have an Emergency/Disaster Kit packed and ready to be utilized.
- Know your Parish Disaster Coordinator
- Know your community evacuation routes.
- Know the closest shelter to you.
- Know your emergency numbers.
Other Safety Tips
- Ensure that you back up your contact numbers. Print a copy if possible.
- Ensure that you back up other important information.
- Note and print important contacts – family, neighbours, friends as well as those for emergency support – your doctor, ODPEM, the Fire Brigade etc.
- Secure a prepaid "Top Up' card (for prepaid service).
- Get a car charger. Test it to ensure that it is working properly.
- Secure an alternative (non-cordless) home phone.
- Ensure that you charge your devices once a Hurricane Warning is issued.
- Keep your phones dry by placing them in a plastic /zip lock bag. Also try to keep your other devices dry by storing them in plastic bags or containers.
What’s in your Survival/Emergency Kit?
The following are essential items you will need to better prepare for the hurricane season.
- Store water in plastic containers. Avoid using containers that will decompose or break, such as glass bottles.
- Store one gallon of water per person per day.
- Keep at least a seven-day supply of water for each person in your household. Do not forget water for your pets. They are also members of your family, if you have any.
Store at least a seven-day supply of non-perishable food. Select foods that require no refrigeration, preparation of cooking and little or no water. These types of foods include:
- Ready-to-eat canned meats, fruits and vegetables
- Canned juices
- Crackers
- Jams
A first-aid kit should include:
- Adhesive bandages in all sizes
- Sterile gauze pads
- A small pair of scissors
- Needle and thread
- Assorted safety pins
- A supply of prescription medication, if you are taking any
- A supply of non-prescription medications such as over-the-counter painkillers
- Alcohol
- Cotton
- Battery-operated radio and extra batteries
- Candles
- Lanterns (Home Sweet Home lamps)
- Flashlights, one per person, with extra batteries for each
- Cash
- Can opener
- Utility knife
- Plastic sheeting to protect valuable documents, etc.
- Toilet paper
- Soap
- Feminine supplies
- Personal hygiene products
- Plastic garbage bags
- Plastic bucket with a tight lid
- Disinfectant
- Household bleach
- Include at least three complete change of clothing and footwear per person.
- Sturdy shoes or work boots.
- Rain gear
- Blankets or sleeping bags